Today we are excited to announce that Willful is available in Saskatchewan!
47% Of Saskatchewan Adults Have Not Created A Will
We’re not surprised to see how many Saskatchewan residents have put off preparing for death, since it can be expensive, time-consuming, and uncomfortable to think about. We’re trying to make the process smoother so it gets checked off more to-do lists.
We commissioned an AngusReid survey and found that 47% of Saskatchewan adults have not created a will, and that number jumps to 76% among millennials. Of those who do have a will, less than half - only 41% - are up-to-date. Of those who haven’t created a will, 32% said it’s because they keep putting it off.
Our platform brings the traditional estate planning process online, guiding customers through a series of questions about their unique life situation, and allowing them to outline their executor, guardians for minor children or pets, beneficiaries (including spouses, common law partners, siblings, friends, and more), specific or charitable gifts, and burial and funeral wishes. Willful generates a document that includes instructions on making the will legally-binding, which involves printing it and signing it in the presence of two witnesses.
Learn more about creating power of attorney documents in Saskatchewan →
We've partnered with Shawn Patenaude, an established estate lawyer with a practice based in Yorkton who specializes in wills and estates.

"I’ve been fortunate to spend my career educating people in Saskatchewan about the importance of a solid estate plan, but I know for every person who walks through my door, there are 10 others who never get around to creating their will,” said Shawn Patenaude, Willful legal advisor. “I also know that many people are unable to access traditional legal channels for estate planning services. That’s why I’m excited to partner with Willful to make it easier for Saskatchewan residents to create an estate plan online. While lawyers should be the first stop if you have a complex estate, the majority of people can use a tool like Willful to take care of their estate planning needs.”
Welcome Saskatchewan!